Thursday, February 10, 2005

Spud Gun

Originally uploaded by a1scrapmetal.
The more upmarket Lone star "spudmatic" as it says on the handle.
This one is not only a spud gun, but also is a water pistol AND has a bit at the back to put cap in.
There is even a hole at the back with imbost instructions to "OIL HERE"
Some people believe giving children toy guns is bad and non pc..But I had a cowboy cap gun as a child and I loved it...I can't imagine a childhood with the smell of spent caps.
and I have not shot anyone .......YET!


Originally uploaded by a1scrapmetal.
A more futuristic shaped spud gun.


Originally uploaded by a1scrapmetal.
I found 3 of Archie's spud guns in the garden..all work on the same principle on air forcing a plug of old potato out of the hole at the end.
They fire really well,and Archie has managed to fire many a plug of potato into the upstairs toilet window.


spudgun 4
Originally uploaded by a1scrapmetal.
Close up of spud gun handle showing the
"Crime Fighter"stamp...